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Project Ekalavya | Book summaries that you don't forget

20 ratings

Project Ekalavya | Book summaries that you don't forget

20 ratings

If you answer yes to any of the below two questions, you need 'Project Ekalavya'

1) You love reading books but you are pressed for time.

2) You read books but find it tough to remember the core concepts.

We solved this problem. We read books, took notes, marked core concepts & made them into stunning infographics. 

We created infographic book summaries & we send 3 summaries monthly to your inbox.

We launched on ProductHunt & ranked as #1 Product with over 755 votes.

Infographic summaries help you

- Grasp the concepts faster.

- Remember the concepts for longer, because a picture is worth a 1000 words.

The CEO's loved the product, the marketers loved the product, people who wanted to learn better loved the product.

How do we choose which books to summarize?

We choose the books that are both popular and useful. These books fall into productivity, self-help, financial discipline categories. The books either help you become 'better person', 'focus better' or 'earn better'.

Here’s a sample of the book summary for 

Learn faster and retain more than you ever could. 

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